
Zenbat istorio hiri baten historian...


Kaixo, berriro, ikasle maiteok!!!

Hi, dear students! Do you like my "Voki"? A good friend from Bilbo called Itxaso Bernaola (Thank you, Itxaso!) told me about "voki" and I have created one for my blog. It's fun, isn't it? And the best of all is that it's really easy to create it. I'll tell you about it later. Now, click on the "play" button, he's got a message for you...

Zer iruditzen zaizue nire "voki"? Polita, ezta? Egunen batean esango dizuet nola sortu dezakezuen horrelako bat ... momentuz, egin klik gezitxoan, mezua entzuteko (ea ulertzen duzuen!). Ondo pasa Gasteizko jaietan!!!

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